Prayer Times

Combining Mageb and Ishaa in summer time:

Collect prayer timetable from the mosque in May, June, July every year.

Articles detailing the ruling regarding this concept can be found below:

In English click here or here or here

In Arabic, click here or here


Comingling due to the absence of the twilight in Southampton is ONLY possible between XXX date and YYY date – this permission can NOT be used outside these dates – See the twilight calculation here

Please click on the links below to find the prayer times in Southampton/Hampshire mosques. If any weblink is broken, please contact that mosque directly, not Taqwah. We are not responsible for the content of outside websites

  1. Abu Bark Mosque
  2. Medina Mosque
  3. Shah Jalal Mosque
  4. Bashir Ahmad Mosque
  5. Omer Al-Farooq Mosque
  6. Al-Rahma Mosque
  7. Al-Hayat Centre
  8. Razvia Mosque
  9. Taqwah Mosque (no online timetable, come to the mosque to collect a hardcopy).
  10. Woolston Learning Centre
  11. Swathling Mosque
  12. Bowling Club (Shirley Hill Lane)
  13. ISOC Southampton University
  14. Chandler’s Ford (Silk Route Charity)
  15. Eastleigh Jumma Prayer (at 1pm) and contactable here
  16. Southampton General Hospital
  17. Winchester Mosque
  18. MAUR City Centre – same contact as number 11

Please let us know if any mosque/Musalla is missing, or new mosque opened so we can add them here insha Allah. JZK.