
Quran and Islamic Education Classes 5.15pm to 7.15pm Monday to Friday.

Attendance of all the 5 days is essential and having clubs is not valid excuse to miss our Masjid club!

There are several alternative Masjids in the city with different timings and options and with a lesser time commitment. Please consider joining another Masjid if you cannot commit to 10 hours a week, Monday to Friday, from 5:15 PM to 7:15 PM.

Click here to fill an online form or by scanning the QR code

Important notes on fees and discounts:

    • By filling the form and submitting you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of the classes (Maktab).
    • Fees payment is £40 per child per month for 1st child.
    • Two children fees = 2 x £40 = £80 per month (no discounts)
    • Third child is 50% discount = £20
    • 4th, 5th, 6th kids are free of charge
    • After filling the form, all parents will be sent a contract by email to sign electronically.

Payment methods:

  1. Online payments by bank transfer to our bank account with your child’s name used a reference using the following business bank details:
          • Account number: 22815338
          • Account name: Fitrah Sips
          • Sort Code: 404218
          • (use your child’s full name as the reference).

2. Cash payments are the least preferred method, but they can be accepted with 6 strict conditions:

(1) bring an envelope with your child’s full name written on it; (2) write the date of the payment on the envelope; (3) payment must always be made in advance of each month, with the first day of the month being the latest acceptable date; (4) you must agree that your child will be removed for any delay in payment without warning, and to return him/her you must pay the entire remaining balance for the year in advance;  (5) you will not argue or discuss your financial difficulties and you will not request additional time for payment – the fee is £1 per hour, and it should be embarrassing even for the poorest person in the UK to discuss any inability to pay this promptly (6) you confirm that you are aware that any overdue payments will be referred automatically without warning to a debt collection agency. This action may result in additional inconvenience and fees for you and it will potentially affect your credit rating.

3. Card Payments: Please note that these is no card payment facilitydo NOT use any card payment facilities in the mosque as they are for something else – any payment using the card machine in the mosque will be considered donation and you will still need to pay the fees.